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Based on the assertion that not all social ties promote entrepreneurship, this study investigated the correlation between social support and entrepreneurial intentions among 352 2019/2020 graduating university students sampled from private and public universities in Ghana. This study adopted a quantitative approach using questionnaires and a correlational analysis. The finding was that social support and entrepreneurial intentions have a moderate, significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intention among Ghanaian tertiary students; there was no statistically significant difference between students’ sex (male or female), birth order, and exposure to entrepreneurship on entrepreneurial intention. This study’s conclusions suggest that families and friends/peers are capable or willing to provide support to become entrepreneurs or are willing to use social support for venture creation. The findings have implications for practicing entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship educators, and policymakers.


Social Support entrepreneurial intentions entrepreneurship students birth order sex Ghana

Article Details

Author Biographies

Stephen Arthur, Valley View University

Dr. Stephen Arthur is a lecturer in Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Valley View University in Oyibi, Accra. He earned a PhD in Commerce with a focus on Management. Dr. Arthur's research interests revolve around entrepreneurship and innovation management. He is dedicated to advancing entrepreneurship, especially among young people, as a means of alleviating the growing unemployment rate in Ghana.

Williams K. Peprah, Andrews University, USA

Dr. Williams Kwasi Peprah is an Associate Professor of Finance at Andrews University in the USA. He holds a PhD in commerce with a major in accounting and finance. His areas of research interest include financial literacy, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, entrepreneurship, accounting fraud, business ethics, economic variables, international finance, financial risk management, financial sustainability, and investment decision-making. He is dedicated to advancing the field of finance through innovative research and nurturing the next generation of financial professionals.

How to Cite
Arthur, S., & Peprah, W. K. (2024). Correlation Between Social Support and Entrepreneurial Intentions: Evidence from Private and Public Universities in Ghana. Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 5(1), 71–86.


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