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The paper analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on workers and its implications on socioeconomic inequalities in Ghana. Using a qualitative design and data from peer-reviewed journal articles and publications on websites of government and non-governmental organizations, to conduct a narrative literature review, it was revealed that the pandemic had adverse effects on workers in terms of reduction in hours worked, wages, and consumption levels. The review showed that there were heterogeneities in the magnitude of effects of the pandemic across different groups of workers and space. The results show that women workers were more affected by the pandemic than men workers. Further, informal sector workers were more affected than formal sector workers. Also, migrant workers were more afflicted than resident workers. Regarding spatial differences, urban workers in Ghana were more impacted than rural workers in Ghana. Based on the study findings, it is recommended that policymakers target empowerment programs at the vulnerable groups of workers in Ghana. Also, a significant level of infrastructural development is required to bridge the rural-urban divide.


COVID-19 pandemic socioeconomic inequalities workers Ghana

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How to Cite
Akrong, R., & Kodjie, P. . (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on Workers and its Implications on Socioeconomic Inequalities in Ghana: A Narrative Literature Review. Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3(1). Retrieved from


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