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This review analyzes the progression of strategic planning and implementation models from McKinsey 7’s’ to Higgins 8’s’ and then to the 9’s. It examines how these frameworks improve strategy plan execution, leading to better organizational performance and competitive advantage. Integrating empirical and theoretical findings, the analysis compares these models, emphasizing leadership roles, the nexus between internal and external factors, and the critical integration of supply chains, goal-setting, and synergy. The study reveals that although McKinsey and Higgins’ models offer initial insights into implementing strategies, they do not address the complexities between the organization’s components. On the other hand, 9 ‘S,’ which encompasses supply chain, objective focus, and synergy, offers an integrative approach to refining strategic execution and operational efficiency. The recommendation for organizations is a shift towards the 9’S’ model, surpassing previous frameworks by focusing on supply chain management, precise goal articulation, and fostering collaborative synergy. This approach will help businesses develop integrated implementation processes concerning changing business climates, enhancing management capabilities, and maintaining competitive strength.


Strategy Implementation McKinsey 7S Model Higgins 8S Model strategic leadership 9S Model

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Author Biography

Faustina Oduro Twum, Valley View University, Ghana

Faustina Oduro Twum is a lecturer at Valley View University, School of Business, in the Department of Management Studies. She has a PhD in Business Administration with a focus on Management. Her research interests revolve around Strategic Planning and Leadership.

How to Cite
Twum, F. O., Badu, Y. A., & Boateng, P. A. (2024). The Nine ‘S’ Model for Strategy Implementation: A Review. Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 5(1), 18–27.


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