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Knowledge loss is a challenge that companies in the insurance industry often experience when employees depart with their experiences, trade secrets, insights, contacts, information, and relationships. To minimize knowledge loss and enhance their competitive advantage, companies are seeking different ways of increasing tacit knowledge sharing among employees in their workplaces. This study aimed at determining the individual factors that significantly influence workplace tacit knowledge sharing among insurance employees in Kenya.    The researcher used a survey strategy with a structured questionnaire to collect data for the study. A total of 274 employees completed the survey. The researcher analyzed the data using multiple regression. The results indicate that four of the individual variables, that is trust, self-efficacy, altruism, and expected reciprocity, significantly and positively influence workplace tacit knowledge sharing among insurance employees. Expected rewards were found to have an insignificant negative relationship to workplace tacit knowledge sharing. Therefore, insurance companies should promote a workplace culture of trust, continuous learning and development, altruistic practices, and reciprocal exchanges to motivate their employees to share their work-related tacit knowledge with their co-workers.


Workplace knowledge sharing, insurance employees, empirical study, survey, Kenya

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How to Cite
Achoki, P., Swansi, K., Pondi, K., & Luntungan, R. (2022). An Empirical Study of Factors Influencing Workplace Tacit Knowledge Sharing Among Insurance Employees in Kenya. Pan-African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3(1). Retrieved from


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