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The doctrine of God seems to be the lynchpin of the entire theological system. The very beginning of the Bible suggests the centrality of God to all other discussions that unfold in the rest of Scripture (Gen. 1:1). It goes to affirm that this centrality of the doctrine of God affects the entire understanding of how God operates and relates to creation, and especially to humanity in the post-sin context. Concerning this, is the redemptive act of God through the agency of Christ, which has been bequeathed on the Church. Important questions arise as a result: How does one understand the concept of biblical theism? What does it mean that God is one, yet three persons? What is the biblical affirmation of the doctrine of God? How does the doctrine of God relate to the doctrine of the Church? What are the implications of the relationship between the doctrines of God and the Church? In response to these questions, the article demonstrates this unique association from the context of Ephesians 2:19-22, which seems to affirm a bond between the two doctrines.


Trinity Ecclesiology Relationship Salvation Worship

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Author Biography

Brian Kapembwa Sinyangwe, Adventist University of Africa, Kenya

Brian Sinyangwe is a PhD student in Biblical Studies (Systematic Theology) at the Adventist University of Africa, Kenya. He could be reached at

How to Cite
Sinyangwe, B. K. (2023). The Trinity and Ecclesiological Foundations: An Exegetical-Theological Assessment of Ephesians 2:19-22. Pan-African Journal of Theology, 2(2), 80–100. Retrieved from