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In recent years the question of the Trinity has been of important interest within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Many have disputed the current Trinitarian position of the Church. Therefore, many Adventists are calling for a rejection of the Trinity because of an alleged idea that the current Adventist position on the subject of the Trinity is coming from the Roman Catholic Church. However, a comparative and contrasting study between the Roman Catholic Church and the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s statement of belief in the Trinity shows that the Adventist statement is different from the Catholic view. Therefore, the two theologies of the Trinity differ from one another. Even though the two denominations agree on the importance of the concept of the Trinity in their theology, they differ in their understanding of the major aspects of the three persons of the Trinity.


Trinity God Doctrine Anti-Trinitarians

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Author Biography

Tony Ogouma, Adventist University of Africa, Kenya

Tony Ogouma is a Ph.D. student in Biblical and Theological Studies (Systematic Theology) at the Adventist University of Africa. He could be reached at

How to Cite
Ogouma, T. (2023). A Comparative Study of the Roman Catholic and Seventh-day Adventist Churches Doctrine of the Trinity: Implications for the Anti-Trinitarian Views with Adventism. Pan-African Journal of Theology, 2(2), 140–163. Retrieved from