Main Article Content
Background: Bipolar disorder is one of the most prevalent psychiatric conditions in Kenya. Studies conducted outside Kenya show that bipolar disorders and psychotic disorders are interlinked by family relations, while alcohol and substance use disorders are their important comorbidities. This study investigated the prevalence and associated factors of psychotic, alcohol and substance use disorders among first-degree relatives (FDR) of patients with bipolar disorders at a referral hospital in Western Kenya.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional quantitative study. Consecutive and Simple random sampling were used, with a sample size of 381. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used for data collection. The chi-square test measured associations utilizing a 95% confidence interval.
Results: The prevalences of psychotic, alcohol and substance use disorders were 23.6%, 13.6%, and 6%, respectively. Employment was significantly associated with psychotic disorder (P=0.038), and relation to the patient was significantly associated with alcohol use disorder (P=0.007) and substance use disorder (P=0.001).
Conclusion: Among the relatives of patients with bipolar disorders, there is a high prevalence of psychotic, alcohol and substance use disorders.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2024 Kimutai Katwa, Benson Gakinya, Irene Chesire, Maloosoy Katwa, Nicodemus Kuboi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Aillon, J.-L., Ndetei, D. M., Khasakhala, L., Ngari, W. N., Achola, H. O., Akinyi, S., & Ribero, S. (2014). Prevalence, types and comorbidity of mental disorders in a Kenyan primary health centre. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49(8), 1257–1268.
- Association, A. P. (2022). Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5-TR. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
- Ayalew, M., Workicho, A., Tesfaye, E., Hailesilasie, H., & Abera, M. (2019). Burden among caregivers of people with mental illness at Jimma University Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. Annals of General Psychiatry, 18, 10–10.
- Behere, P. B., Behere, A. P., Chowdhury, D., Nagdive, A. B., & Yadav, R. (2020). Effect of Marriage on Pre-existing Psychoses: A Convenient or Futile Solution for Severe Mental Disorders? Journal of Psychosexual Health, 2(3–4), 273–276.
- Berardelli, I., Rogante, E., Sarubbi, S., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. (2021). The importance of suicide risk formulation in schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 779684.
- Boland, R. J., Verduin, M. L., Ruiz, P., & Shah, A. (2021). Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry. Wolters Kluwer Health.
- Castillo-Carniglia, A., Keyes, K. M., Hasin, D. S., & Cerdá, M. (2019). Psychiatric comorbidities in alcohol use disorder. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 6(12), 1068–1080.
- Chakraborty, R., Chatterjee, A., & Chaudhury, S. (2014). Impact of Substance Use Disorder on Presentation and Short-Term Course of Schizophrenia. Psychiatry Journal, 2014, 280243.
- Chen, M.-H., Hsu, J.-W., Huang, K.-L., Su, T.-P., Li, C.-T., Lin, W.-C., Tsai, S.-J., Cheng, C.-M., Chang, W.-H., Pan, T.-L., Chen, T.-J., & Bai, Y.-M. (2019). Risk and coaggregation of major psychiatric disorders among first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder: A nationwide population-based study. Psychological Medicine, 49(14), 2397–2404. Cambridge Core.
- da Silva Costa, L., Alencar, Á. P., Neto, P. J. N., dos Santos, M. do S. V., da Silva, C. G. L., Pinheiro, S. de F. L., Silveira, R. T., Bianco, B. A. V., Júnior, R. F. F. P., & de Lima, M. A. P. (2015). Risk factors for suicide in bipolar disorder: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 170, 237–254.
- Glantz, M. D., Bharat, C., Degenhardt, L., Sampson, N. A., Scott, K. M., Lim, C. C., Al-Hamzawi, A., Alonso, J., Andrade, L. H., & Cardoso, G. (2020). The epidemiology of alcohol use disorders cross-nationally: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys. Addictive Behaviors, 102, 106128.
- Hillow, M. A., Atwoli, L., & Kwobah, E. K. (2023). Association between Traumatic Life Events and Psychosis: A case-control study in western Kenya. Heliyon, 9(7).
- Jenkins, R., Othieno, C., Ongeri, L., Sifuna, P., Ongecha, M., Kingora, J., Kiima, D., Omollo, R., & Ogutu, B. (2015). Common mental disorder in Nyanza province, Kenya in 2013 and its associated risk factors—An assessment of change since 2004, using a repeat household survey in a demographic surveillance site. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 309.
- Jeste, D. V., Palmer, B. W., Appelbaum, P. S., Golshan, S., Glorioso, D., Dunn, L. B., Kim, K., Meeks, T., & Kraemer, H. C. (2007). A new brief instrument for assessing decisional capacity for clinical research. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(8), 966–974.
- Kamenderi, M., & Muteti, J. (2019). Status of drugs and substance abuse among the general population in Kenya. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA), 54–59.
- Kendler, K. S., Ohlsson, H., Sundquist, J., & Sundquist, K. (2020). An Extended Swedish National Adoption Study of Bipolar Disorder Illness and Cross-Generational Familial Association With Schizophrenia and Major Depression. JAMA Psychiatry, 77(8), 814–822.
- Kiarie, E. W. (2021). The Association Between Substance Use Disorders and Employment Status Among Patients on Treatment and Follow Up in Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital. University of Nairobi.
- Kimani, B. M. (2017). Pastoral Counselling Response on Abuse of Drugs and Substances Among the Youth of Turitu and Ngegu Shopping Centres in Kiambu County. St. Paul’s University.
- Kipkemoi, P., Mufford, M. S., Akena, D., Alemayehu, M., Atwoli, L., Chibnik, L. B., Gelaye, B., Gichuru, S., Kariuki, S. M., & Koenen, K. C. (2024). Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the UBACC questionnaire in a multi-country psychiatric study in Africa. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 135, 152526.
- Kwobah, E., Epstein, S., Mwangi, A., Litzelman, D., & Atwoli, L. (2017). Prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in a community sample in Western Kenya. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 30.
- Lewis, R. (2016). Human genetics: The basics. Taylor & Francis.
- Mamah, D., Mutiso, V. N., & Ndetei, D. M. (2021). Psychotic-like experiences among 9,564 Kenyan adolescents and young adults. Psychiatry Research, 302, 113994.
- Mannes, Z. L., Shmulewitz, D., Livne, O., Stohl, M., & Hasin, D. (2020). Risk Factors for Mild, Moderate, and Severe Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in a sample of adult substance users: Implications for DSM-5 AUD Classification. In medRxiv (p. 2020.10.26.20219824).
- Mayo, D., Corey, S., Kelly, L. H., Yohannes, S., Youngquist, A. L., Stuart, B. K., Niendam, T. A., & Loewy, R. L. (2017). The role of trauma and stressful life events among individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: A review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8, 55.
- McHugh, R. K., Votaw, V. R., Sugarman, D. E., & Greenfield, S. F. (2018). Sex and gender differences in substance use disorders. Clinical Psychology Review, 66, 12–23.
- Mungai, D., & Midigo, R. (2019). Social and cultural determinants of health; understanding the persisting Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the rural populations in central Kenya. AIMS Public Health, 6(4), 600.
- Muteti, J., Kamenderi, M., & Kimani, S. (2019). Prevalence and Predictors of Multiple Substance Use Disorders in Kenya. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA), 7–13.
- Nuhu, F., Yusuf, A., Akinbiyi, A., Babalola, O., Fawole, J., Sulaiman, Z., & Ayilara, O. (2010). The burden experienced by family caregivers of patients with epilepsy attending the government psychiatric hospital, Kaduna, Nigeria. Pan African Medical Journal, 5(1).
- Nyamwaro, Y. B. (2022). Health Related Quality of Life for Caregivers of Psychiatric Patients, Mathari National Teaching and Refferal Hospital, Nairobi City County, Kenya.
- Onu, J. U., Igwe, M. N., Onu, N. N., & Ohaeri, J. U. (2020). Morbid risk of alcohol and cannabis use disorders among relatives of probands in a Nigerian Psychiatric Hospital. African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 19(2), 89–99.
- Onu, J. U., & Ohaeri, J. U. (2018). Familial aggregation of mood disorders among relatives of schizophrenia probands admitted in a hospital in South-Eastern Nigeria: A family comparative study. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 25(1), 1–7.
- Özdemir, O., Coşkun, S., Aktan Mutlu, E., Özdemir, P. G., Atli, A., Yilmaz, E., & Keskin, S. (2016). Family History in Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Noro Psikiyatri Arsivi, 53(3), 276–279.
- Peralta, V., Goldberg, X., Ribeiro, M., Sanchez-Torres, A. M., Fañanás, L., & Cuesta, M. J. (2016). Familiality of Psychotic Disorders: A Polynosologic Study in Multiplex Families. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 42(4), 975–983.
- Saban, A., Flisher, A. J., Grimsrud, A., Morojele, N., London, L., Williams, D. R., & Stein, D. J. (2014). The association between substance use and common mental disorders in young adults: Results from the South African Stress and Health (SASH) Survey. The Pan African Medical Journal, 17 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), 11.
- Samuel, R., Thomas, E., & Jacob, K. S. (2018). Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Dysfunction among People with Schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 40(2), 134–138.
- Sevale, S. (2015). The association between substance use disorder and schizophrenia among patients attending out patient services in Mathari Teaching and Referral Hospital. University of Nairobi.
- Sheehan, D. V., Lecrubier, Y., Sheehan, K. H., Amorim, P., Janavs, J., Weiller, E., Hergueta, T., Baker, R., & Dunbar, G. C. (1998). The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI): The development and validation of a structured diagnostic psychiatric interview for DSM-IV and ICD-10. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 59(20), 22–33.
- Witte, S., Fegert, J. M., & Walper, S. (2018). Risk of maltreatment for siblings: Factors associated with similar and different childhood experiences in a dyadic sample of adult siblings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76, 321–333.
- Wu, L.-T., McNeely, J., Subramaniam, G. A., Brady, K. T., Sharma, G., VanVeldhuisen, P., Zhu, H., & Schwartz, R. P. (2017). DSM-5 substance use disorders among adult primary care patients: Results from a multisite study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 179, 42–46.
Aillon, J.-L., Ndetei, D. M., Khasakhala, L., Ngari, W. N., Achola, H. O., Akinyi, S., & Ribero, S. (2014). Prevalence, types and comorbidity of mental disorders in a Kenyan primary health centre. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49(8), 1257–1268.
Association, A. P. (2022). Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5-TR. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
Ayalew, M., Workicho, A., Tesfaye, E., Hailesilasie, H., & Abera, M. (2019). Burden among caregivers of people with mental illness at Jimma University Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. Annals of General Psychiatry, 18, 10–10.
Behere, P. B., Behere, A. P., Chowdhury, D., Nagdive, A. B., & Yadav, R. (2020). Effect of Marriage on Pre-existing Psychoses: A Convenient or Futile Solution for Severe Mental Disorders? Journal of Psychosexual Health, 2(3–4), 273–276.
Berardelli, I., Rogante, E., Sarubbi, S., Erbuto, D., Lester, D., & Pompili, M. (2021). The importance of suicide risk formulation in schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 779684.
Boland, R. J., Verduin, M. L., Ruiz, P., & Shah, A. (2021). Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry. Wolters Kluwer Health.
Castillo-Carniglia, A., Keyes, K. M., Hasin, D. S., & Cerdá, M. (2019). Psychiatric comorbidities in alcohol use disorder. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 6(12), 1068–1080.
Chakraborty, R., Chatterjee, A., & Chaudhury, S. (2014). Impact of Substance Use Disorder on Presentation and Short-Term Course of Schizophrenia. Psychiatry Journal, 2014, 280243.
Chen, M.-H., Hsu, J.-W., Huang, K.-L., Su, T.-P., Li, C.-T., Lin, W.-C., Tsai, S.-J., Cheng, C.-M., Chang, W.-H., Pan, T.-L., Chen, T.-J., & Bai, Y.-M. (2019). Risk and coaggregation of major psychiatric disorders among first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder: A nationwide population-based study. Psychological Medicine, 49(14), 2397–2404. Cambridge Core.
da Silva Costa, L., Alencar, Á. P., Neto, P. J. N., dos Santos, M. do S. V., da Silva, C. G. L., Pinheiro, S. de F. L., Silveira, R. T., Bianco, B. A. V., Júnior, R. F. F. P., & de Lima, M. A. P. (2015). Risk factors for suicide in bipolar disorder: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 170, 237–254.
Glantz, M. D., Bharat, C., Degenhardt, L., Sampson, N. A., Scott, K. M., Lim, C. C., Al-Hamzawi, A., Alonso, J., Andrade, L. H., & Cardoso, G. (2020). The epidemiology of alcohol use disorders cross-nationally: Findings from the World Mental Health Surveys. Addictive Behaviors, 102, 106128.
Hillow, M. A., Atwoli, L., & Kwobah, E. K. (2023). Association between Traumatic Life Events and Psychosis: A case-control study in western Kenya. Heliyon, 9(7).
Jenkins, R., Othieno, C., Ongeri, L., Sifuna, P., Ongecha, M., Kingora, J., Kiima, D., Omollo, R., & Ogutu, B. (2015). Common mental disorder in Nyanza province, Kenya in 2013 and its associated risk factors—An assessment of change since 2004, using a repeat household survey in a demographic surveillance site. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 309.
Jeste, D. V., Palmer, B. W., Appelbaum, P. S., Golshan, S., Glorioso, D., Dunn, L. B., Kim, K., Meeks, T., & Kraemer, H. C. (2007). A new brief instrument for assessing decisional capacity for clinical research. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(8), 966–974.
Kamenderi, M., & Muteti, J. (2019). Status of drugs and substance abuse among the general population in Kenya. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA), 54–59.
Kendler, K. S., Ohlsson, H., Sundquist, J., & Sundquist, K. (2020). An Extended Swedish National Adoption Study of Bipolar Disorder Illness and Cross-Generational Familial Association With Schizophrenia and Major Depression. JAMA Psychiatry, 77(8), 814–822.
Kiarie, E. W. (2021). The Association Between Substance Use Disorders and Employment Status Among Patients on Treatment and Follow Up in Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital. University of Nairobi.
Kimani, B. M. (2017). Pastoral Counselling Response on Abuse of Drugs and Substances Among the Youth of Turitu and Ngegu Shopping Centres in Kiambu County. St. Paul’s University.
Kipkemoi, P., Mufford, M. S., Akena, D., Alemayehu, M., Atwoli, L., Chibnik, L. B., Gelaye, B., Gichuru, S., Kariuki, S. M., & Koenen, K. C. (2024). Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the UBACC questionnaire in a multi-country psychiatric study in Africa. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 135, 152526.
Kwobah, E., Epstein, S., Mwangi, A., Litzelman, D., & Atwoli, L. (2017). Prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in a community sample in Western Kenya. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 30.
Lewis, R. (2016). Human genetics: The basics. Taylor & Francis.
Mamah, D., Mutiso, V. N., & Ndetei, D. M. (2021). Psychotic-like experiences among 9,564 Kenyan adolescents and young adults. Psychiatry Research, 302, 113994.
Mannes, Z. L., Shmulewitz, D., Livne, O., Stohl, M., & Hasin, D. (2020). Risk Factors for Mild, Moderate, and Severe Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in a sample of adult substance users: Implications for DSM-5 AUD Classification. In medRxiv (p. 2020.10.26.20219824).
Mayo, D., Corey, S., Kelly, L. H., Yohannes, S., Youngquist, A. L., Stuart, B. K., Niendam, T. A., & Loewy, R. L. (2017). The role of trauma and stressful life events among individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: A review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8, 55.
McHugh, R. K., Votaw, V. R., Sugarman, D. E., & Greenfield, S. F. (2018). Sex and gender differences in substance use disorders. Clinical Psychology Review, 66, 12–23.
Mungai, D., & Midigo, R. (2019). Social and cultural determinants of health; understanding the persisting Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the rural populations in central Kenya. AIMS Public Health, 6(4), 600.
Muteti, J., Kamenderi, M., & Kimani, S. (2019). Prevalence and Predictors of Multiple Substance Use Disorders in Kenya. African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (AJADA), 7–13.
Nuhu, F., Yusuf, A., Akinbiyi, A., Babalola, O., Fawole, J., Sulaiman, Z., & Ayilara, O. (2010). The burden experienced by family caregivers of patients with epilepsy attending the government psychiatric hospital, Kaduna, Nigeria. Pan African Medical Journal, 5(1).
Nyamwaro, Y. B. (2022). Health Related Quality of Life for Caregivers of Psychiatric Patients, Mathari National Teaching and Refferal Hospital, Nairobi City County, Kenya.
Onu, J. U., Igwe, M. N., Onu, N. N., & Ohaeri, J. U. (2020). Morbid risk of alcohol and cannabis use disorders among relatives of probands in a Nigerian Psychiatric Hospital. African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 19(2), 89–99.
Onu, J. U., & Ohaeri, J. U. (2018). Familial aggregation of mood disorders among relatives of schizophrenia probands admitted in a hospital in South-Eastern Nigeria: A family comparative study. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 25(1), 1–7.
Özdemir, O., Coşkun, S., Aktan Mutlu, E., Özdemir, P. G., Atli, A., Yilmaz, E., & Keskin, S. (2016). Family History in Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Noro Psikiyatri Arsivi, 53(3), 276–279.
Peralta, V., Goldberg, X., Ribeiro, M., Sanchez-Torres, A. M., Fañanás, L., & Cuesta, M. J. (2016). Familiality of Psychotic Disorders: A Polynosologic Study in Multiplex Families. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 42(4), 975–983.
Saban, A., Flisher, A. J., Grimsrud, A., Morojele, N., London, L., Williams, D. R., & Stein, D. J. (2014). The association between substance use and common mental disorders in young adults: Results from the South African Stress and Health (SASH) Survey. The Pan African Medical Journal, 17 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), 11.
Samuel, R., Thomas, E., & Jacob, K. S. (2018). Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Dysfunction among People with Schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 40(2), 134–138.
Sevale, S. (2015). The association between substance use disorder and schizophrenia among patients attending out patient services in Mathari Teaching and Referral Hospital. University of Nairobi.
Sheehan, D. V., Lecrubier, Y., Sheehan, K. H., Amorim, P., Janavs, J., Weiller, E., Hergueta, T., Baker, R., & Dunbar, G. C. (1998). The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI): The development and validation of a structured diagnostic psychiatric interview for DSM-IV and ICD-10. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 59(20), 22–33.
Witte, S., Fegert, J. M., & Walper, S. (2018). Risk of maltreatment for siblings: Factors associated with similar and different childhood experiences in a dyadic sample of adult siblings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76, 321–333.
Wu, L.-T., McNeely, J., Subramaniam, G. A., Brady, K. T., Sharma, G., VanVeldhuisen, P., Zhu, H., & Schwartz, R. P. (2017). DSM-5 substance use disorders among adult primary care patients: Results from a multisite study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 179, 42–46.