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Background: Suicide is a major concern worldwide. Understanding the various methods and tools used for suicide is crucial for developing effective preventive strategies. The objective of this study is to investigate and assess methods of suicide in Sudan.

Methods: This study is a cross-sectional hospital-based investigation of individuals who presented with attempted suicide at the Emergency Departments of four major general hospitals in Khartoum State, Sudan. The study was conducted between January 2014 and December 2014. A total of 200 respondents agreed to participate in the study and completed a questionnaire covering various topics, including methods of attempted suicide.

Results: Hair dye was the major method of attempted suicide (79%, N= 158), followed by drug overdose (13.5%, N=27). There is a significant relationship between the methods used for suicide, age, and gender.

Conclusion: Restricting access to commonly used and highly lethal methods of suicide is highly effective in reducing the overall number of suicides. It is important to implement this strategy along with other suicide prevention measures to achieve the best results.


Methods of suicide suicide behavior Sudan non-suicidal self-injury

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Author Biographies

Khalid A. Abdalhai, International University of Africa, Sudan

Khalid Abdallah Abdalhai is a child and adolescent psychiatry consultant and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine, International University of Africa, Sudan. His research interests include neurodevelopmental disorder, Health service development, and psychotrauma.

Abdelghani E. Abdelghani, Sudan Medical Specialization Board, Sudan

Dr. Abdelghani Elsheikh Abdelghani is a consultant psychiatrist and an associate professor of psychiatry. He holds the position of President at the postgraduate psychiatry specialty/Sudan Medical Specialization Board.

Mohamed Hassan Ahmed , Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Ajman, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Mohamed Hassan Ahmed is a consultant psychiatrist at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Ajman, United Arab Emirates.

Isra Balla Babiker , Sudan International university, Sudan

Dr. Isra Balla Babiker is a psychiatry consultant and assistant professor at Sudan International University. Areas of interest include palliative care, neurosciences, trauma-related disorders, and mood disorders.

How to Cite
Abdalhai, K. A., Abdelghani, A. E., Ahmed, M. H., & Babiker, I. B. (2024). Exploring Suicide Methods in Sudan: Insights from General Hospitals. Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science, 3(1), 37–47.


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