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Background: Vegetarian diets have grown in popularity partly because they have been linked to numerous health benefits. They are typically high in fiber and antioxidants and low in cholesterol, potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases. On the other hand, diets established on meat and its products play a significant role in increasing the incidence of non-communicable diseases owing to their increased calorie density and extra saturated fat.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 121 adults recruited purposively from two Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Ede South Local Government area of Osun State.

Results: Most respondents (73.6 %) were non-vegetarian and 26.4% were vegetarian (65.6% semi-vegetarian, 25% lacto-ovo, and 9.4% vegans). Among the non-vegetarians, 4.0% were underweight, 42.0% were of normal weight, 44.0% were overweight, and 10.1 % were obese. Among Vegetarians, 56.3% and 43.7% were of normal weight and overweight, respectively.

Conclusion: The prevalence of obesity among non-vegetarians was high, indicating the need for nutritional education intervention on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet.


Vegetarian diet non-vegetarian diet body mass index waist-to-hip ratio

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Author Biographies

Olariike Oyindasola Kayode, Osun State University, Nigeria

Olariike Oyindasola Kayode is a lecturer at Osun State University, Nigeria. His research interests include nutrition assessment, nutrition education, nutrition intervention using behavioral change communication, and non-communicable diseases.

Akin Oyebade , Adeleke University, Nigeria

Akin Oyebade is a medical doctor affiliated with Adeleke University in Nigeria. His research interests include disease control, disease surveillance, and health systems.

Adeola Oluwaseun Oshineye, Adeleke University, Nigeria

Adeola Oluwaseun Oshineye is a lecturer at Adeleke University, Nigeria. His research interests include disease control, disease prevention, primary health care, and non-communicable diseases.

Abayomi Tolu Olarinmoye, Adeleke University, Nigeria

Abayomi Tolu Olarinmoye, PhD, is a lecturer at Adeleke University in Nigeria and an expert in public health fieldwork practicum. His research interests include maternal and child health, violence prevention, mother and child care, bullying, child victimization, and violence perpetration.

Ayodeji Akinyemi Akinpelu , Adeleke University, Nigeria

Ayodeji Akinyemi Akinpelu is a medical doctor affiliated with Adeleke University in Nigeria. His research interests include public health management and administration, as well as health insurance.

How to Cite
Kayode, O. O., Oyebade , A., Oshineye, A. O., Olarinmoye, A. T., & Akinpelu , A. A. (2024). Anthropometric Characteristics of Vegetarian and Non- Vegetarian Adults in a Selected Local Government Area In Osun State, Nigeria. Pan-African Journal of Health and Environmental Science, 3(1), 27–36.


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